How This Single Mushroom Helps Fight Cancer & Gives You Better Sleep & Skin


Are you ready for this ‘shroom to blow your mind?

Certain mushrooms have medicinal properties (different from psychedelic mushrooms) and their benefits are worth the effort!


What is Reishi Mushroom?

a small white cup of brown powder with reishi mushrooms to the left on a table with a green background

Reishi mushrooms are highly regarded for their medicinal properties in ancient cultures. In Eastern medicine, reishi is known for harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit. They are found growing on decaying logs in Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States.

Reishi can be used as a powder, a tincture, packed in capsules, or even used in recipes. (Please consult with a health practitioner you trust before adjusting your daily regimen.) Why should you give reishi a try? Let’s explore below.


Reishi Has Anti-Cancer Properties

While the use of reishi mushroom in combination with conventional cancer treatments is still being studied, research is showing that reishi helps reduce side effects from chemo and reduces tumor size. This study even showed that using reishi in tandem with chemotherapy improved the efficacy of chemotherapy with less side effects. Reishi has been shown to stop the growth and spread of breast cancer cells and to suppress tumor growth. To see more natural ways to support your cancer journey, I recommend checking out my online course The Cancer Warrior: Building Resiliency The Natural Way.


Reishi Has Anti-Viral Properties

Besides supporting the immune system (more on that below), reishi helps banish what may cause trouble in your body. Reishi has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, as well as anti-HIV and anti-herpetic properties in several studies.


Reishi Supports Your Immune System

Your amazing immune system is constantly activating, adjusting, and adapting to what you encounter day to day and moment to moment. The stronger your immune system, the more easily it can adapt. Reishi has also been shown to be an immunomodulator, meaning that it can help your immune system adapt to what is being thrown at it. Foods that are adaptogenic (for example, wild blueberries) can help adjust to what your body needs – and reishi is one of these adaptogenic foods. Reishi also helps regulate the activation of cytokines (small proteins that signal to the immune system) based on your body’s needs. For more on how to fortify your body’s immune system, check out my online course UNDEFEATED: Your Passport To A Powerful Immune System.


Reishi Helps Pull Out Heavy Metals

Heavy metals have been shown to be an underlying contributor to many health issues (read more here). Reishi has been shown to have a chelation effect, meaning it pulls out heavy metals from the body. I would not recommend this to be your only method of pulling out heavy metals, but it is certainly a great support.


Reishi Helps Your Sleep, Skin, and Stress

Often these three things are very connected, and it so happens that reishi helps your sleep, skin and stress! A 2021 study shows that reishi helps your sleep by balancing your gut microbiota. (Coincidentally, improving your gut microbiota also improves your immune system as the two are directly connected!) Better sleep means better skin – but reishi has also proved itself helpful there too. Reishi has been shown to improve your skin (mostly due to high amounts of antioxidants) but it also supports skin wound healing. Lastly, because reishi is an adaptogen, it helps your body handle stress – protecting it from the cellular damage that stress can cause as well as DNA damage. Some also claim reishi uplifts your mood as well. Better sleep, better skin, and less stress – what more could you want?


How To Use Reishi

So how can you get in this amazing mushroom? Here are a few of my favorite ways:

warm brown drink in a glass on a table with dried chaga in the foreground and brown powder in a small cup to the leftThis delicious recipe for health-boosting “chocolate” milk:


(Amounts vary based on personal preference)


  1. Measure out the desired amount of non-dairy milk (I love using sesame milk!) and pour into a saucepan. Put over low heat.
  2. Add desired amounts of chaga, reishi, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon. Play around to see what ratio you like!
  3. Sweeten (if desired) with raw honey or pure maple to taste. Enjoy!
You can also use these brands that I love:

*Use code NATURE15 at checkout for a discount if you wish.


It is my hope that reishi is another tool in your toolbox for vibrant, powerful health!

Ignite the Healer within,
Amber Bodily

P.S. Want to see my all-natural remedies for common ailments? Make sure you’re subscribed to my email list to see how to get them!

Mushroom "Chocolate" Milk

This delicious "hot chocolate" has wholesome, simple, and nourishing ingredients designed to not only satisfy the need for a warm cold-weather drink, but also to support your immune system and give you better sleep and skin! Enjoy a similar feel to hot chocolate without the stimulation that chocolate can bring. Cheers!


  • Chaga powder
  • Reishi powder
  • Pumpkin spice
  • Cinnamon
  • Dairy-free milk of choice
  • Raw honey or pure maple syrup to taste


  1. Measure out the desired amount of non-dairy milk (I love using sesame milk!) and pour into a saucepan. Put over low heat.
  2. Add desired amounts of chaga, reishi, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon. Play around to see what ratio you like!
  3. Sweeten (if desired) with raw honey or pure maple to taste. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

Please adjust the amounts of each spice/mushroom as well as the sweetness to your liking! I have found that everyone prefers a different ratio.

I love using sesame milk in this recipe.

I also like using this brand of chaga extract powder and reishi extract powder.

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