How To Go From Fear To Fortitude: Empowerment In A Global Crisis


What we thought was two weeks turned into months, and we are now approaching a year. This last year certainly brought many of us many lessons and challenges – but instead of sinking into despair, we can turn it into an opportunity for growth.

A global crisis can shake even the deepest of roots, but what really matters is how well you can return to a state of clarity and calm.

Many good things in life are born out of adversity.

So the question is, how do you turn fear into empowerment? Crisis into triumph?

Here’s what I’ve learned over the last year – 5 tips that have helped me:


Get outside.

With the news blaring at us from every direction – you can hardly check your phone without some sort of update – it’s easy to get lost in a world of “what-ifs” and “what happened?” The more you sink into headlines, the less present you are. That said, you can stay informed and be present – this tip is about making sure there is balance.

With the places we can go outside of our home limited, and the constant scenery of our home, the appreciation our family has for being outside has skyrocketed.

Being in nature is a beautiful way to remind myself of the life in front of me. Nature finds a way to remind us of what is truly real and beautiful. It holds many answers to life’s biggest questions. Not to mention the plethora of health benefits from being in nature – including strengthening your immune system, lessening pain and stress, lowering high blood pressure and the risk of diabetes, heart disease, premature death, reducing depression, and improving mental wellbeing.

It’s not just the fresh air – it’s the ground. If your piece of the earth isn’t covered with snow, I challenge you to put your bare feet on the ground! Read more about the amazing benefits of grounding here. If you want to be grounded, get on the ground!

Use this tip to refresh yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Better yet, bring your kids along so they can get the benefits too!


Take deep breaths.

It has been shown that you typically use only 10-30% of your lung capacity on a daily basis. This makes sense, as you can’t use 100% of it all the time – nor should you. However, your respiratory system is an amazing part of your body that can affect your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. You can even use breathing techniques to lead into meditation to renew your spiritual health as well.

Not only do deep breathing techniques help calm and relax the mind and body, they also improve focus and brain health. This study also shows how your breath can boost your mood and lessen your stress. How your breath can affect your wellbeing has been a hot topic of research in the last five years, with studies exploding to show the plethora of benefits. There are so many different techniques to explore (see some resources here – plus, this is one of my favorites).

If you bought the Self-Improvement Bundle last week, I’ve been really loving the breathwork audios from the Pause Breathwork course. They are all around 20 minutes and really well-done guided breathing exercises and meditations. This is a fabulous resource for you moving forward.

Use your breath as a tool to overcome overwhelm, frustration, despair, anger, etc. There’s a reason you say “take a deep breath” to someone in a state of distress – because with the breath, you can become steady and see a clear course of action.


Prepare your food storage.

You may have seen me post before about what’s exactly in my food storage. My intuition and the shaky state of our nation has led me to more intentionally store food (and other important items) for the last year.

This creates a feeling of safety and security in our home. If the uncertain state of our nation ever included a food shortage, I know we will still have superfoods and essential supplies to fuel and protect our bodies.

Instead of getting lost in fear about what could happen, I took empowered action to prepare for what could happen. And if there never is an emergency that requires us to rely on our food storage, then we will end up going through the supplies anyway – and no harm done.

See my list of supplies in this post here.


Gather tools and resources.

Sick child? Bumped head? Infected cut?

You don’t always need to have the doctor on speed dial.

Empower yourself with the tools and resources to take care of yourself and your family as self-sufficiently as you can. For many years, I’ve had a thirst for learning about the human body and natural remedies, ever since my eldest son was in critical health for most of his infant life. Everything I’ve learned over the last 13-14 years has come in handy not only with my family, but with my clients as well.

One of the greatest gifts in my life has been foot zoning. When I first took foot zoning, I was immersed into not just a powerful holistic technique to heal my second son’s brain tumors, but also a wealth of detailed, precise information on herbs and natural remedies to heal a variety of ailments. I was no longer wondering if my sons could be healed – I had now gained the resolve and remedies. Foot zoning brings you back into faith and the scientific knowing and understanding that people have had for thousands of years: that the body was made to heal. We have to ask ourselves why it isn’t. Learning foot zoning unlocked gifts within myself I didn’t know I had, and has been an enormous blessing beyond words.

Here is what one of my former foot zoning students, now herself running a foot zoning business, says about her experience learning zoning:

“I decided I had to learn footzoning. Learning from Amber was like drinking from a fire hose of knowledge. I have a degree in molecular biology, but my physiology classes in college didn’t go as in depth or in detail as Amber’s foot zoning class. And it’s not just about the zoning – it’s about nutrition, essential oils, herbs, energy, and even more. It’s about learning a whole new lifestyle that creates amazing health. The information is SO valuable, life-changing, and empowering, and worth every penny and then some! Not only that, I love that I can take care of my kids’ health without rushing to the doctor. I’m no longer afraid of them getting sick or hurt – or even of myself getting old – because I have so many tools to help us. Before meeting Amber, I was an unhappy person who was tired and ill all the time. Now, I am in love with life and running my own foot zoning practice! I am living with exuberance, and foot zoning was the catalyst for changing my life!”

– Connie Salgado, Certified Foot Zonologist, health coach, and owner of Empowering Wellness

If you are interested in learning foot zoning, my 2021 class will be opening enrollment soon. Sign up on this list to get the details, coming quickly!

Also, if you got the Self-Improvement Bundle – you are well set up for a huge (like $13,000 worth) resource list of tools to empower yourself! My Face Rejuvenation class in the bundle alone will give you tangible tools to understand your health just from signals on the face. Also, make sure you upload your Bundle receipt to get my Go Vegan For 30 Days program (with over 100+ clean plant-based recipes) for free here!


Have faith.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
― Wayne W. Dyer

Your perception is your reality. With messages of fear all around us, you can choose to sink into fear – or flip that fear into faith. You choose what rents space in your head. Before I became a Master Foot Zonologist, I owned my own design firm. In marketing, you plant seeds in heads with billboards, commercials, pamphlets – you have the power to create what people think. Especially in these times, you have to do an inventory on what you are letting have real estate in your mind. If you allow yourself to swing on a pendulum of fear, not only will you tax your body’s systems, but you will also fall further from faith.

Here is a beautiful quote and mantra I love to read and repeat in times of need:

“All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.” – Louise Hay

Faith can give us fortitude. The fortitude to protect what needs protecting – your mind, your peace, your freedom, your family – whatever is important to you. These are times when we need to lean on a sacred, divine inner knowing. A solid foundation to give us the strength to stand, the perseverance to endure challenges, and the clarity to take dynamic action.

Inhale faith, exhale fear.

This is the path to true empowerment.


The time is now.

There has never been a better time to work on your health.

There has never been a better time to be in nature.

There has never been a better time to breathe deeply.

There’s never been a better time to be prepared.

There has never been a better time to begin to learn how you can take care of yourself and your family.

There’s never been a better time to ground yourself in faith.

When the world around you seems chaotic, it is up to you to find an inner steadiness to walk surely on the path before you. There are many things out of your control, but there are also many things that are. loved from many directions. You are Empowered!

Ignite the healer within,

P.S. Registration will open soon for the 2021 round of Beginning Foot Zoning classes! To learn how to register, sign up to stay tuned here.

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