How To Prepare Your Home For Uncertain Times


Are you a “prepper?”

I certainly wasn’t – until the beginning of 2020. With the direction and balance of our country and global community unknown, since January I have felt the urgency to start gathering supplies – so that in case anything were to happen, we have items on hand that can protect our health.

Everything in this article I share with the intention to empower you, not incite fear. I encourage you to use this information to take dynamic action in your own life and make choices for your own family.

It is important that we stay aware of what is happening with our food. This year, the FDA has issued a temporary flexibility policy regarding what is regulated and labeled on food items. This means that companies can add toxic ingredients, change ingredients, and fall short of regulations with no accountability. This can be a slippery slope of putting whatever they want in our food without the proper labeling, monitoring, or regulation – possibly leading to a decline in public health. My family and many of my clients are extremely sensitive to certain ingredients in foods – so without knowing what’s in them, how are we able to make informed choices about our health?

Below is a list and resources of what I have thought pertinent to gather. I kept in mind: What medicinal foods can I have on hand? If there’s a shortage or I can’t get my hands on certain foods, what can I keep that is a powerhouse of nutrients to sustain us? Many of you have asked me about this, so it is my hope that it provides some usefulness to you.



I have begun keeping a bare minimum of 6 months to a year and a half supply. I looked at what my family consumed in a month and multiplied approximately from there.

I got these from a variety of places: Costco, Amazon, and some local places. I’ll do my best to provide links to resources where I can.



I’ve made an effort this year to expand what we grow at home, and started to save heirloom seeds. I thought about our small space we have available and chose plants that would give a high yield and are versatile. What we are growing can easily be used for many different meals.

Here are the plants I chose:

  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Watermelon
  • Cucumber
  • Squashes
  • Chives
  • Basil

A good thing to have in your storage is this bag of non-gmo heirloom seeds for a “survival garden.”



I have gathered a minimum of an 8-9 month’s supply of:

For more about supplements, see this post.


Essential & Carrier Oils

We use oils in our house for many reasons, and I am so grateful for how they have contributed to our health and healing. I’ve stocked up on many different ones. The only essential oils I can recommend at this time are Primavera by Goddess of Spring and Shirley Price (in the UK). If you wish, you can use my coupon code amberbodilyhealth for a discount at Goddess of Spring.



In case of any contamination or shortage, I have six 50-gallon tanks full of house water that I keep off site for our needs. It would be easy to run this through our water filter as we need it. I also made sure I have two extra Berkey shower filters on hand. I highly recommend filtering your water with a high quality filter (here’s why and my favorite filter). It’s not uncommon to find chemicals in your water that can cause cancer (such as bromodichloromethane, chromium, dibromochloromethane, and more – many of which are common byproducts from chemicals used in an effort to disinfect drinking water, but which have been shown to cause cancer and are common U.S. water contaminants.) You can check out what’s in your tap water by going to the Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database and typing in your zip code.


Personal Products

I would also recommend keeping an extra stock of bandages, flashlights, and other emergency items.


Why Prepare?

In uncertain times, I feel the need to protect my family’s health with these tools. I would recommend stocking up now versus later. And who knows? If no disaster comes, we will eventually make our way through all of these items anyway, and there is no harm done. I have learned through the years to follow my intuition, and these days, this is where it is guiding me. For those who have asked me or who also feel a prompting to prepare, I hope this served you in some way. I share this to empower you and your health journey. You all have my blessings for health and happiness to always surround you!

With gratitude,


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